....So, instead of studying for finals before I left on my weekend adventure.
I cried.
And called my mom.
Then my mom and I inevitably talked about my class schedule and major, it always seems to come up and I don't know why.
So, I'm an Art Education Major right? And let me tell you why...
To get a job.
Yes, that is the sole reason I am in education. I am NOT gifted in teaching, that's for sure and I also have a major dislike for school. So why would I ever choose a profession that would make me be in school the rest of my life?
That's a good question.
I have a lot of friends doing student teaching right now and all that "fun" stuff.... no. That sounds like anything but fun. In my mind it sounds like babysitting a bunch of kids who don't want to be stuck with me all day. No thanks.
But, the key word in Art Education is ART. Let's be honest, there is no money in art. It's not a secret. Everybody knows it. And in my mind the only thing that secures me financially after graduation is TEACHING art. In school. I need to be able to support myself right? Isn't this world all about money anyways? Don't I need a REAL job when I graduate? Isn't that what is stressed to every high school freshman only to implant fear in their minds?
As of now I am letting go of my need to have the security of a teaching degree. It's only holding me back to reach my true potential.
So. After long phone conversations with my mom this afternoon... I changed my major.
I am now an Interdisciplinary Art and Design Studies major!
This also means I will be graduating on time!!!!!! In a year I will be finished with college!
The teaching degree put my back an entire year due to how the education courses are set up at UNT. And os you now know, I'm no fan of school. Having 90+ hours and graduating a year late.... I began to ask myself, "self, why are you still going to be in school for two more years?"
Praise. The. Lord.
I am now leaning and trusting SOLELY on Him to provide for me financially and in the very real and very scary world of grown up jobs.
So. My adventure and schooling looks a lot different than everyone else's. But I already knew that. 6 college transcripts and 5 different schools in 3 years. Come on. That's pretty impressive. Also, I'm pretty ready to graduate with a degree and get a job that has ZERO to do with my degree. Plus, I can always teach.... Am I right? Private schools don't require a teaching certificate. And I'm minoring in Religious Studies. That looks pretty good to a private school I guess.
Who knows where God will take me. I have no idea what I want to do with my life but apparently everyone thinks I should have it figured out already. Even though, in my opinion, our American schooling system does an awful job of preparing kids for what they want to be and for the real world in general. Why do I want to work for them again?
Once I dropped my education classes my mom's mood instantly changed. She was so giddy for my new "all around" degree plan. I'm a jack of all trades and a master of none. Which makes it hard to narrow down my interests. And this degree has it all. All of my transfer credits are used and no hours are going to waste. God is good. When I told Will about it he said this...
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Isn't he the sweetest? |
He was also really really excited for me and very supportive. Things are just so much easier when you are surrounded by supportive and loving people. My parents have done nothing but support my insane college career.
If you are afraid of making a mistake and choosing the wrong college. Take it from me. You can always transfer. And don't let those high school counselors scare you. College is just a bunch of paperwork to fill out and phone calls to make... I mean, not really but ya.
And parents, encourage your children's dreams. Don't suppress them. God gifts everyone differently. Your son's or daughter's dreams might be entirely different than your own for them. I mean come one. My parents are spending a fortune on.. what... an art degree for me?! That's not ever going to be worth what my parents have spent the last three years. But I love it. And they love me. And I know they will support me through anything.
And with that I am one happy-to-be-trusting-God girl. And, hopefully, will be graduating in May 2014. I haven't actually finalized anything with my advisor, or had my study abroad classes approved. But, my God can do much more mightier things than have a couple classes approved. This is small stuff for Him. And all because He first loved me.
(aka Land of the Sardines. As my mom called it. Although there were no Sardines to be found. And *Fun Fact* Sardinia isn't known for its sea food!)
This weekend was our last HOORAH! So, we set off to Sardinia (the island that is off of the boot's shin of Italy). And, just so you know, we all thought Sardinia was a very hidden treasure of Italy's. It was amazing! We were the only Americans. There was hardly anybody anywhere. The only people who know about Sardinia are the Scandinavians. There were many fair skinned blonde families walking about. So, next time you are in Italy, seriously consider Sardinia! It has a lot of Italy's top beaches (Trip Advisor) and it isn't too pricey!
Thursday May 9
We left at 9pm to catch a train to Pisa. We stayed in a hostel in Pisa because there wasn't an early enough train to catch our 6:30am flight.
So we were 3 girls staying in a 4 person girls room. We were really hoping the 4th girl wouldn't show.
Right when we got in bed there was knocking on the door.
Jenn answered.... It was dude..
"We just got to Pisa and were wondering what there was to do at night"
J: "Oh, sorry, we don't know, we just got here too"
"You want to come with us and see what there is to do?"
J: "No, sorry, we have a really early flight"
"Oh, you are the boring people, where are you from?"
J: "America"
"OH! America!.... So your English must be pretty good then?"
J: ".........uh ya.....?"
Safe to say. This dude left and we all went back to sleeping. Our 3:30am alarms were really early.
Then... right when I was dozing off, around 12 or 12:30... The 4th girl comes in. And turns on ALL of the lights!!!! NOOOO!!!!!!
But I was just laughing inside because I knew we'd be getting up in 3 hours and probs wake her up.. is that bad?
Friday March 10
3:30 came and I had never fallen asleep. None of us did.
We checked out and the man at the desk asked us where we were going
"Oh. Its too early!"
"Ya. We know!" (obviously its 4am)
"It's too early in the season!"
"Oh! Well, this is our last weekend here so we don't really have an option"
And after a few more minutes of nice convo we left and headed on foot to the airport.
We landed in Alghero, Sardinia, after our 45 minute flight, and made our way by bus and foot to our bed and breakfast. We arrived right when the guy who worked there did. Praise Jesus. His timing is perfect.
We were able to eat breakfast and check in. We dozed for a while and then headed to the beach.
After an hour we made it to the beach, rented some chairs, and fell asleep baking in the sun. Mine looked something like this.... fall asleep while lying on my back. Wake up an hour and a half later. flip. Lay on my stomach. Wake up an hour and a half later. Then we headed back to the B&B to shower.
We were exhausted from the sun and the sleepless night but wandered around the town a little bit before finding supper.
Then we got gelato and watched the sunset.
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my feetsies! |
We went to bed by 10.
Saturday May 11
We woke up at 10... That's right, a full 12 hours of sleep! PRAISE HIM!!!! Finally I got some sleep over here!
Then we hopped on a bus and headed back to the beach, a different beach this time.
Saturday went the same way as Friday... Except I didn't ever fall asleep. But we got a lot of sun and I have some ouchy burns to show for it. (oops).
We caught the bus back, showered, and got dinner and gelato.
We were in bed by 10:30. We came to lay on the beach and that's exactly what we did! What a perfect way to procrastinate before finals!
Sunday May 12
We got up at 4:30 to catch our plane. We had to take the bus back to the airport. Our flight left at 8.
We got back to Pisa then took the train to Florence. We were home by 10! But, don't worry, the procrastinating continues...
Katie had a photo shoot of us today.... but, it POURED rain. I mean, it's the hardest I've seen it come down here, and there was thunder!!!!! It doesn't storm here. It just rains. And hearing the thunder today made me want to be back home even more.
Now I'm just working on my blog post to keep from studying, but I think it's time I start.
Side note: We have to get a Permit to Stay here in Italy. And I am just now going in to have my fingerprints taken, etc. for them to finish the permit so that I can get my Italian ID... Oh cool, thanks Italy glad you decided the LAST WEEK I'm here, during finals, to drag me across town for this thing. Will had his within the first month he got here, but it takes 3-4 months for the ID to be made. So last week (his final week here) he was finally notified that his ID was ready to pick up. So I'm basically doing this for nothing and it's right before my final tomorrow, hopefully I make it to my final!
Speaking of Will...
He left for the States today!
And what an amazing semester we had! We went so many places together and we learned so much about each other. Traveling will do that! He got a freaking rockin' internship this summer in Houston! I'm so so proud of him and already can't wait to see him in June.
Don't worry.... I didn't forget ;)
And even though my mom will be at the beach with her friends when I get home..... I can't wait to see her! I sent her some yummy yummy chocolates since I couldn't be there today to see her or my aunts and grandma. But I will be home in 6 DAYS!!! A week from today I will be sleeping deeply in my own bed! (and be finished with finals)
If you would like to pray for me this week, I would love prayers for my finals. And that on Saturday when I catch my taxi at 4:30 am for my journey home it will not be raining and I will have safe travels!
Thank you so much!
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